I Am Loved – Romans 8:35-39 | The Way Fellowship

It doesn’t matter what your experience says when Jesus says He loves you. Through pain and distress, He loves you. This sermon takes a look at the steadfast love of God.

Sermon notes:

Psa 63:1-4 – Your Steadfast Love is better than life

Lamentations 3:22-23 – It’s new every morning

Psalm 117:1-2 – Great is His steadfast love

Where does this concept of Steadfast love come from?

Exodus 34:1-7 – The Lord said this about Himself

What does it mean to be steadfast?

Steadfast {hesed} – resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. firmly fixed in place : IMMOVABLE: not subject to change

God says this to His people.

Moses in Exodus 34:9 uses the sin of the people as a reason for God to go in their midst.

Contrasting what God says in Exodus 33:1-6

Moses Intercedes for the people, similar to what Christ does for the Church.

1 John 2:1, Romans 8:34

Romans 5:8 – His steadfast love is shown, Christ dies for us

Romans 8:35-39 – Who will separate you from the Love of GOD?

Psa 136:1-26 – Steadfast love

The Way Fellowship is a body of believers that loves GOD, His Church and the lost.
We are located in Houston TX, you can join us every Sunday at 10 am.

Address: 12658 Goar Road, Houston TX, 77077

Website: https://thewayhouston.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewayhouston

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