God bless you as you continue to seek His face and may this message enrich your spiritual journey. Remember, in Christ, it is truly finished—let us live in the freedom and peace He offers.

The Way Fellowship invites you to delve into the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice in a video entitled “Understanding Grace – It is Finished: The Gospel (The Power of Christ’s Sacrifice).”

This message explores the magnitude of grace, a gift received despite human unworthiness.
It takes viewers on a journey through scripture, emphasizing the biblical truths that inspire a holy and fruitful life in Christ.

The video encourages viewers to interact, share, and subscribe for more enriching content. The Way Fellowship invites both in-person and online engagement, emphasizing the importance of community and the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

0:00 – Opening Prayer
0:51 – Recap of Last Week’s Sermon
1:43 – Understanding Grace
2:30 – Romans 5:12-21 Explained
17:25 – Analysis of Romans 3:21-28
22:10 – God’s Thoughts vs Human Thoughts
24:34 – Significance of Jesus’ Last Words
30:11 – Meaning of “It is Finished”
35:28 – Death as the Last Enemy
45:43 – Proclaiming the Gospel
49:29 – Prayer for Understanding
53:11 – Closing Prayer

#Resurrection #GraceOfGod #ChristianFaith #BiblicalTruths #PowerOfChrist
#MercyAndGrace #VictoryOverDeath #ChristsSacrifice #JesusGrace #PreachingTheGospel

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